308 Brick Church Road
Route 7 East and Route 278
Center Brunswick, NY
​Updates on new ways to be in ministry will be posted on the Synod's web site:
With God as the head of the church, Gilead is still serving the community and beyond. We welcome you!
Please consider using the online giving method to send in your pledge - eliminating the need for our counters to handle money and envelopes. It's easy and the counters would appreciate it.
December 8, 2024
Worship Service at 10:30 a.m.
2nd Sunday of Advent
Presiding Minister will be
Judy Converse.
Gospel: Luke 3:1-6
We would love to have you join us for worship in this historic church which is a beacon for all in continuing our faith, love and peace following the service for the week.
Click link below to watch worship services on YouTube
Second Sunday of Advent Candle: Peace
December 8, 2024
The second Advent candle is also purple and symbolizes peace. Also known as the “Bethlehem Candle,” signifies Mary and Joseph’s journey to Bethlehem. Sometimes the second week's candle is used to symbolize faith. The Peace Candle symbolizes the peace that Jesus Christ brings to the world. It represents the fulfillment of the Old Testament prophecies of a Messiah who would be the Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6). It reminds us that through the birth of Jesus, humanity can find reconciliation with God and experience inner peace. During the lighting of the Peace Candle, appropriate Bible verses that emphasize peace and reconciliation may be read, such as Isaiah 9:6, Luke 2:14, or John 14:27.
"Gracious God, as we light the second candle of this Advent wreath, we seek your peace. In a world filled with turmoil, may the light of this candle remind us of the peace that only you can bring. Help us to be instruments of your peace in our homes, communities, and the world. Amen."
Please go to our FACEBOOK page (see link below). You do not need to be a Facebook member to view these videos) to listen to our 9:30 a.m. outside Sunday worship services .
Gilead Lutheran Church is seeking applicants for a full-time organist/choir director position. Gilead is located at the intersection of Routes 7 & 278 in Center Brunswick, N.Y. Our phone number is 518-279-9270. Our mailing address is P.O. Box 26, Cropseyville, NY 12052.
Currently, Gilead uses both organ and piano during the service. Candidates are asked to be proficient in both. Accompanist duties are required at all regularly scheduled Sunday morning, holidays and special worship services. The organist/choir director is responsible for choosing appropriate music for the choir and conducting weekly choir rehearsals. Attendance is requested at the monthly Worship and Music Committee meeting to provide input regarding planning for upcoming worship needs .
Please submit resume to the following address:
Gilead Lutheran Church
ATTN: Dona Kreiger
P.O. Box 26
Cropseyville, NY 12052
Order your Poinsettias now for Christmas
6” Pots $ 11.00 - 9” Pots $ 23.00
Order either Red Or White
Must be placed by December 15 - 2024
Call John 518-279-9552